Wearable Knit & Crochet Tools!

Most American knitters are familiar with English and Continental knitting, but very few know about the other Western method - Portuguese knitting! It's also the most common style in Peru.
In Portuguese/Peruvian knitting, the yarn is controlled by both right and left hands. The yarn is carried either around the neck, or through a hook worn on the upper-left chest. Before going around the neck/hook, the yarn is tensioned gently by the right hand. The left hand directs the yarn around the needle when making a stitch. Stitches are wrapped in the Western (counter-clockwise) manner.
These knitters find the purl stitch much easier to work than the knit, because it only needs a flick of the left thumb. They often work circular pieces inside-out so that they can avoid knitting.
Want to see it in action? Check out this YouTube video: Andrea Wong Portuguese Knitting.

Shop News
Featured Notion
Look at these adorable wrap bracelets - they're actually rulers! These leather bracelets have both inches and centimeters and are sized to wrap around your wrist twice. They're available in orange, red, tan, and teal and sized from 14" to 19".
We've also gotten in more of the Row Counter Rings in an anodyzed rainbow finish going up to size 12! We have the solid black ones, too. It's hard to forget to count your row when it's on your finger! It's very easy to use, yet secure enough that it won't change the count on its own. We can show you how! Our Wendy LOVES hers!
Passports will be here soon (Thursday, 9/19) and we're taking pre-orders NOW! Passports are $15 (+tax). As in previous years, early birds also get a Crawl bag (we normally run out of bags in mid-to-late-September). Preorder now and we'll put aside a passport and a bag for you and email you when it's ready! WE. CAN'T. WAIT!
Regular and Upcoming Events
Every Tuesday at 1 pm - Yarnivorphans Meet-up at Panera (Huebner Oaks)
1st and 3rd Fridays - Friday Night Cravings here at Yarnivore
3rd Saturday - Spinner Saturday
October 11-20 - 2019 Hill Country Yarn Crawl
EVERY DAY - Open Stitching in our seating area anytime we're open!
The Tip Jar
We are often asked if people can weave or crochet with "knitting yarn" or knit/crochet with "weaving yarn." The answer is YES! You can knit, crochet, or weave with ANY yarn. If you like it, you can use it! (yes, even if it's twisted the "wrong" way)
Knit a Lace Shawl
Thursday, September 19 & 26, & October 3 from 6-8 pm, $48
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
Lace knitting is easier than you think! Learn to make a lovely lace shawl, beginning invisibly at the back of the neck. You'll also learn to read a lace chart, and to work with lighter-weight yarns doing left- and right-leaning decreases. Knit some holes! It's fun!
Three 2-hour sessions
Knit and Crochet Workshop with Beate
EVERY Thursday from 1-3 pm, $18 per session
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Beate
Need help with a project or technique? This 1-session class is a great way to get help and see what others are working on! Beate will help with reading patterns, reinforcing techniques, and building your confidence. Beate can assist with either knitting or crochet projects.
One 2-hour session
Beginning Rigid Heddle Weaving
Saturday, September 21 from 10 am-4 pm, $48
Craft: Weaving
Teacher: Debbi
Learn the basics of weaving on a rigid heddle loom. We’ll cover weaving terminology, direct warping, winding and managing shuttles, achieving a balanced weave and basic finishing techniques. As time allows, we’ll discuss weaving drafts, yarn choices for weaving, pattern planning and alternate methods of warping.
One 6-hour session
Seamless Baby Booties
Monday, September 23 & 30 from 6-8 pm, $33
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
Learn to make adorable booties that will stay on! No seams to annoy li’l cute feet, either. Make several and have them on hand when your next baby shower invitation arrives!
Two 2-hour sessions
Knitting: Fixing Mistakes
Tuesday, September 24 from 6-8 pm, $23
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
Dropped stitches, purling when you wanted to knit, unwanted increases, decreases, and yarn overs – we’ve all done them at some point in our knitting. Learn how to fix these mistakes and overcome your fear of ripping down and ripping out!
One 2-hour session
Multishaft Weaving
Saturday, September 28 from 10 am-4 pm, $48
Craft: Weaving
Teacher: Debbi
Ready to learn more about weaving? This class is designed for students with some weaving knowledge (e.g., rigid heddle weaving). Students will learn indirect warping, threading a multi-shaft loom, and basic drafts.
One 6-hour session
Knitting Workshop
Each session is $18
Upcoming sessions,
Sunday, September 29 from 3-5 pm
Sunday, October 6 from 3-5 pm
Thursday, October 24 from 6-8 pm
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
You know you love Wendy's tips and hints and wish she could help you with every project! Well, now she can! Bring your projects and we'll all learn together from each other's challenges. Make your knitting look professional and lose all your fears!
One 2-hour session
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Contact Us: https://www.yarnivoresa.net/ yarnivoresa@gmail.com 2357 NW Military, 78231 (210)979-8255