Feeling charitable

Crafting for Charity
Who do you craft for? Sometimes as a gift or for yourself, but we know many of you knit or crochet items to donate. The San Antonio Express-News approached us recently (thanks to Michelle N!) to talk about charity crafting. Check out reporter Rich Marini's article, where he discusses a couple of local groups. Knitted Knockers makes soft fake boobs for women who need breast prostheses (Gabi van Tassel, a member of the group, is the wizard behind the Turtle Loom and a Yarnivore regular!).
Did you know that Yarnivore collects and distributes donated yarn? If you're a teacher or belong to a group whose focus is donating handmade items, like Threads of Love, we can help you with yarn, books, and tools. Cathy Johnson, a Yarnivore and prayer shawl maker who joined our staff in 2019, is pictured above with our generous donation stash.
We'd love to know your thoughts on charity knitting/crochet! If you have a few minutes, please fill out this form to let us know whether you craft for charity (or if YOU are your favorite charity), and what charities you support or would like US to highlight/support!
Shop News

Featured Pattern & Yarn
Speaking of charity knitting/crochet - here's a great project to help support people with Alzheimers or other types of dementia! Sufferers often feel an irresistible need to fidget, often pulling at their sleeves until the fabric is destroyed. To soothe them and help protect their clothes, smart crafters came up with the idea of fidget sleeves - knitted or crocheted sleeves with bits and bobs that are meant to be played with! Here are three patterns to try:
~ Alzheimer Society Fidget sleeve pdf (knit, but the picture shows a crocheted one)
~ Knitted Twiddle Muffs from the UK NHS
~ Crocheted Twiddle Muffs from the UK NHS
Regular and Upcoming Events
Every Tuesday at 1 pm - Yarnivorphans Meet-up at Panera Bread (Huebner Oaks)
1st and 3rd Fridays - Friday Night Cravings here at Yarnivore
3rd Saturday from noon-4 pm - Spinner Saturday
Shoulders hurting from hunching over your needles/hooks? Try this easy stretch:
- Stand in a doorway and place one arm against the door frame. Your elbow should be level with or a little higher than your shoulder.
- Relax your shoulders as you gently lean forward, allowing your chest and shoulder muscles to stretch.
- Hold for 15 to 30 seconds.
- Repeat 2 to 4 times with each arm
Knit and Crochet Workshop with Beate
EVERY Thursday from 1-3 pm, $18 per session
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Beate
Need help with a project or technique? This 1-session class is a great way to get help and see what others are working on! Beate will help with reading patterns, reinforcing techniques, and building your confidence. Beate can assist with either knitting or crochet projects.
One 2-hour session
Hooker Helpdesk
Saturday, January 11 from 3-5 pm, $18 per session
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Patrick
Stuck on your crochet project and Youtube's not helping? Patrick to the rescue! Pick his brain and get some helpful tips to make your hook happy and your project beautiful.
One 2-hour session
My First Socks
Knit Basic Socks from the Cuff Down
Sunday, December 12, 19, & 26 from noon-2 pm, $48
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
Warm your toes with this class! Learn about the parts of a sock and the skills needed to make a perfectly fitted sock from cuff to toe. You'll learn techniques that apply to knitting of all types - including sweaters, gloves, even hats and shawls! Plus, handknit socks are more comfortable than any sock in any store!
Three 2-hour sessions
Knitting: Weaving in Ends Invisibly
Tuesday, January 14 from 6-8 pm, $18
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
Do your ends show? Do they worm their way to the front? Are you (gasp!) knotting them? Let Wendy teach you the better way to weave in and hide your ends so that they never come out and never show!
You'll need to bring swatches of stockinette, garter stitch, and seed stitch to this class.
One 2-hour session
Knitting: My First Top Down Sweater
Wednesday, January 15, 29, February 12 & 26 from 6-8 pm, $63
Craft: Knit
Teacher: Wendy
Perfect Fit From The Top Sweater Series
This is the basic top down sweater that works for EVERY body!
Learn to make a perfectly-fitted top-down sweater, with your choice of sleeve and neckline, in your favorite yarn. You’ll learn to take charge of your knitting, to convert any pattern to knit in the round, to knit seamlessly and to fit your own figure! You can make it light and short-sleeved for the summer, or heavy and warm – your choice!
Four 2-hour sessions
Intermediate Knitting
Thursday, January 16, 23, & 30 from 6-8 pm, $48
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
In this class you will learn to increase and decrease, to knit in the round, to read a knitting pattern, and some fun new stitch patterns. FREE patterns are included for a hat, a baby blanket, felted coasters and more. By the end of class, you will have a finished hat, knit seamlessly in the round!
Three 2-hour sessions
Beginning Rigid Heddle Weaving
Saturday, January 18 from 10 am-4 pm, $48
Craft: Weaving
Teacher: Debbi
Learn the basics of weaving on a rigid heddle loom. We’ll cover weaving terminology, direct warping, winding and managing shuttles, achieving a balanced weave and basic finishing techniques. As time allows, we’ll discuss weaving drafts, yarn choices for weaving, pattern planning and alternate methods of warping.
One 6-hour session
Field of Seams
Monday, January 20 & 27 from 6-8 pm, $33
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
We all love to knit, but hate to sew the pieces together! Not any more. Learn the secrets to perfect finishing – nearly invisible seams, picking up the perfect number of neckline stitches (without counting!) and much, much more. There is homework for this class – please click the link in the title and look at the class requirements!
Two 2-hour sessions
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Contact Us: https://www.yarnivoresa.net/ yarnivoresa@gmail.com 2357 NW Military, 78231 (210)979-8255