Patterning Like a Faux!

Faux colorwork made easy!
There are two basic kinds of self-patterning yarn: self striping, and self fair-isle. For years they were only available in sock yarns, but recently they're showing up in all sorts of yarns!
Self striping yarn is yarn with a long enough run of each color to make at least one row of knit or crochet. They are designed to work for a certain width. Some will make stripes only in narrow pieces like socks, some will work in wider pieces, like shawls or baby blankets. Very few will do stripes in very large pieces like adult-size blankets.
If you work with these yarns in a piece that's too large for it to stripe, it'll flash and pool like other multicolored yarns.
Self fair-isle yarn adds an extra element to the self-striping yarn. One or more of the stripes is made of alternating short color changes just wide enough for 1-2 stitches, so that the entire stripe looks like you've done stranded colorwork!
Shop News

Featured Pattern & Yarn
This free baby/toddler vest from Universal Yarn is so cute that that's what they named it - the Cute Little Vest! Made from their new self-patterning yarn, Nordic Tapestry (a washable worsted-weight acrylic/wool blend), this little vest will knit up quickly so you can have something that's NOT blankets or booties in your Baby Shower Gift Stash!
Local Dyer Trunk Show!
Help us welcome a new-to-us South Texas Dyer to Yarnivore! Victoria from Wander Luck Fiber will be here this Saturday from noon-4 pm with her beautiful hand-dyed yarns! Check out the photos on her Facebook page!
Saori Weaving Classes - Save the Date!
Mark your calendars for Leap Day (February 29). Guest Teacher Kathy Utts will be at Yarnivore to teach Saori weaving on pre-warped rigid heddle looms!
Regular and Upcoming Events
Every Tuesday at 1 pm - Yarnivorphans Meet-up at the Garden Tea Lounge
1st and 3rd Fridays - Friday Night Cravings here at Yarnivore
Saturday, February 1 - Wander Luck Fiber Trunk Show
3rd Saturday from noon-4 pm - Spinner Saturday
Baby Shower Gift Stashing: Have you ever gotten a baby shower invite just a week or two before the party and panicked because you have to drop everything and do a baby project? One way to solve this problem is to set aside a basket just for baby things and make some gifts ahead of time! Some pink, some blue, some whatever color you like! Use baby-sized pieces to learn new techniques, make baby hats as gauge swatches, or use up stash by making little things with your leftovers!
Knitting: Fixing Mistakes
Tuesday, January 28 from 6-8 pm, $23
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
Dropped stitches, purling when you wanted to knit, unwanted increases, decreases, and yarn overs – we’ve all done them at some point in our knitting. Learn how to fix these mistakes and overcome your fear of ripping down and ripping out!
One 2-hour session
Knit and Crochet Workshop with Beate
EVERY Thursday from 1-3 pm, $18 per session
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Beate
Need help with a project or technique? This 1-session class is a great way to get help and see what others are working on! Beate will help with reading patterns, reinforcing techniques, and building your confidence. Beate can assist with either knitting or crochet projects.
One 2-hour session
Beginning Tunisian Crochet
Saturday, February 1 & 8 from noon-2 pm, $33
Craft: Crochet
Teacher: Patrick
Is it knit? Is it crochet? Yes! Well, it’s crochet, but with the look of knitting! We’ll be teaching the the Tunisian Simple, Knit, and Purl stitches in the is introduction to Tunisian Crochet Class.
Two 2-hour sessions
Beginning Crochet
Saturday, February 1 & 8 from 3-5 pm, $33
Craft: Crochet
Teacher: Patrick
In this beginner level class, learn to make the basic stitches used in almost all crochet projects. Students will learn to make a foundation chain, single crochet (sc), half double crochet (hdc) and double crochet (dc).
Two 2-hour sessions
Knitting Workshop with Wendy
Each session is $18
Upcoming sessions,
Sunday, February 2 from noon-2 pm
Thursday, February 20 from 6-8 pm
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
You know you love Wendy's tips and hints and wish she could help you with every project! Well, now she can! Bring your projects and we'll all learn together from each other's challenges. Make your knitting look professional and lose all your fears!
One 2-hour session
Beginning Knitting
Sunday, February 2 & 9 from 3-5 pm, $33
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
Learn the basics and get yourself knitting! In this class you will learn how to cast on, knit, purl, and bind off. You’ll also learn how to combine knitting and purling to create different stitch patterns and textures, common knitting terms, and the basics of reading a pattern
Two 2-hour sessions
NOTE: This session of Beginning Knitting is completely filled up.
It's offered again on Sunday, March 1 & 8 at 3 pm!
Intro to Lace Knitting
Monday, February 3 & 10 from 6-8 pm, $33
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
Does knitting lace seem scary? Don't be afraid! It's easy! In this class, you'll learn to make holes in your knitting ON PURPOSE, to read lace patterns, and all the skills you'll need to start making beautiful lace projects!
FREE pattern with class purchase
Two 2-hour sessions
Knitting: Weaving in Ends Invisibly
Thursday, February 6 from 6-8 pm, $18
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
Do your ends show? Do they worm their way to the front? Are you (gasp!) knotting them? Let Wendy teach you the better way to weave in and hide your ends so that they never come out and never show!
You'll need to bring swatches of stockiette, garter stitch, and seed stitch to this class.
One 2-hour session
Toe-Up Socks: Knit and Fit the Foot First!
Sunday, February 9, 16, & 23 from noon-2 pm, $48
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
Learn to make socks from the toes up, so you always have enough yarn to cover your feet! This worsted weight sock is thick and warm, perfect for wearing around the house, or as a boot sock. You don't need to have any sock knitting experience. Make them look fancy, if you like, by using a self-striping yarn, like we did for the pair in the photo! (Also, if you hate swatching, these are the socks for you!)
Three 2-hour sessions
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