Spring Break Crafting!

Fun Crafts for Spring Break
Kids love making things, and teaching them how to play with yarn can be fun, but confusing. Here are a few tips and ideas on getting them started:
First, kids of all ages can learn to crochet or knit, so don't limit your thinking to certain ages. Student interest is the best indicator of whether your kiddos are ready to play with yarn.
Second, keep learn-to projects simple by limiting new tricks to one or two at a time (e.g., learning to crochet a chain or single crochet).
Third, expand your thinking to all forms of yarn-craft. Sure, lots of kids can work with a hook or needles but some may want to use their fingers.
Fourth, beginner supplies are easy to find in your own stash. Partial balls of yarn may have enough yarn for a beginner to play with.
Finally, remember to have fun! Students learn best when they can balance the challenges of learning with the joy of creating.
Check out these videos for how-to instructions on finger knitting: Red Ted Art (on YouTube) has a variety of videos on finger knitting like these on making a Bunny or Butterfly.
Naztazia's How to Crochet Very Easy Simple Infinity Scarf Cowl Beginners comes in both left-handed and right-handed versions.
Arts&Crafts' How to make Mini Yarn Pom Poms uses a fork to make tiny poms. Then use your poms to make a caterpillar with Miss Tricks Mix Crafts and DIY.
Shop News

Staying Healthy
COVID-19 has been in the news a lot lately, and it is on our minds, too, especially since we have staff members who are immunocompromised.
So what are we doing to stay safe? First, as the doctors all recommend, we're being more intentional about hand-washing! We've put a sign in the bathroom with some wool-related 20-second songs. We also have hand sanitizer all over the shop, and we clean the counters at least twice a day.
What can you do to help? Mostly, don't come to the shop if you're sick! We will give you free make-up lessons if you miss a class, and we're happy to ship yarn if you need it. If you are coughing, sneezing, or have a fever, please don't share it with us! We'll try to do the same for you! Stay Well!
Regular and Upcoming Events
Every Tuesday at 1 pm - Yarnivorphans Meet-up at the Pannera Bread at Huebner Oaks
1st and 3rd Fridays - Friday Night Cravings here at Yarnivore
3rd Saturday from noon-4 pm - Spinner Saturday
April 12 - Closed for Easter
April 25 - Local Yarn Shop Appreciation Day
Another use for hand-sanitizer? Use it for spit-splicing! Yup, it makes a great replacement for saliva when splicing your ends together. Remember, spit- or sanitizer-splicing only works on handwash-only animal fiber yarns.
Knockout Knits & Perfect Purls
Wednesday, March 11 & 18 from 6-8 pm, $33
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
Do you have gaps in between rows? Uneven stitches? Too tight or too loose edges? We can fix all that! In this class, we’ll hone your knitting and purling skills to give you beautiful, even stitches, beautiful edges, and pretty purls. Make your knitting look HANDMADE, not homemade!
Two 2-hour sessions
Knit and Crochet Workshop with Beate
EVERY Thursday from 1-3 pm, $18 per session
Craft: Knitting & Crocheting
Teacher: Beate
Need help with a project or technique? This 1-session class is a great way to get help and see what others are working on! Beate will help with reading patterns, reinforcing techniques, and building your confidence. Beate can assist with either knitting or crochet projects.
One 2-hour session
Knitting: Fixing Mistakes
Thursday, March 12 & 19 from 6-8 pm, $38
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
Dropped stitches, purling when you wanted to knit, unwanted increases, decreases, and yarn overs – we’ve all done them at some point in our knitting. Learn how to fix these mistakes and overcome your fear of ripping down and ripping out!
Two 2-hour sessions
Intermediate Knitting
Sunday, March 15, 22, & 29 from 3-5 pm, $48
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
In this class you will learn to increase and decrease, to knit in the round, to read a knitting pattern, and some fun new stitch patterns. FREE patterns are included for a hat, a baby blanket, felted coasters and more. By the end of class, you will have a finished hat, knit seamlessly in the round!
Three 2-hour sessions
Beginning Rigid Heddle Weaving
Saturday, March 21 from 10 am-4 pm, $48
Craft: Weaving
Teacher: Debbi
Learn the basics of weaving on a rigid heddle loom. We’ll cover weaving terminology, direct warping, winding and managing shuttles, achieving a balanced weave and basic finishing techniques. As time allows, we’ll discuss weaving drafts, yarn choices for weaving, pattern planning and alternate methods of warping.
One 6-hour session
Knit a Basic Beanie From the Top
Monday, March 23 & 30 from 6-8 pm, $33
Craft: Knitting
Teacher: Wendy
No gauge swatch needed! You’ll learn to start a hat from the top with an i-cord (with an optional hanging loop), and work in any gauge to make a hat that will fit anyone in the family. You’ll also learn to work with double-pointed needles and a VERY stretchy way to bind off!
Two 2-hour sessions
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Contact Us: https://www.yarnivoresa.net/ yarnivoresa@gmail.com 2357 NW Military, 78231 (210)979-8255