Stay Home, Craft Safe - and How You Can Help

COVID-19 update
Flattening the Curve
We are temporarily closed to customers. As you know, Mayor Nirenberg and County Judge Wolff issued a Stay Home/Work Safe order that goes into effect tonight just before midnight. Under the order, non-essential businesses must close (we know, y'all think yarn stores are essential, and we love you for it... but we don't meet the city's criteria). We are communicating with city officials to see if we can provide online ordering/delivery to safely help you get supplies. If we are able to do so, we will let you know though social media and email. If not, then we will reopen as soon as the shelter-in-place order ends.
In the meantime, we are working to get more of our inventory photographed and ready for online sales. We're also looking for ways to help and connect with y'all. We are testing ways to hold classes and private lessons online, and to set up a way to help with "counter help" type things - for instance, making videos to show you how to pick up dropped stitches, etc.
Please be patient with us as we all work through this difficult time, but most of all take care of yourselves and your families and stay safe! This will not last forever!
Be well, be safe, be kind!
-Caryn & the Yarnivore crew
Shop News

Featured Pattern and Fabric(?)
This week's featured pattern isn't knit or crochet and doesn't use any yarn. It's a sewing pattern requested by a Yarnivore customer who is also a physician here in the San Antonio area. Many of you quilt or sew, so we are hoping that you'll take on this challenge and help our medical community be ready for the expected surge in novel coronavirus cases.
Please note that they are asking for the ADULT MALE size so that it will fit OVER their N-95 masks. You can drop off finished masks at Yarnivore. We will have someone in the shop at least once a day to receive them.
Here is the link to the letter from Dr. Yolanda.
Here is the direct link to the webpage for the pattern they're requesting.
Regular and Upcoming Events
All social events, including Yarnivorphans, Friday Night Cravings, and Spinner Saturday are currently on hiatus.
April 12 - Closed for Easter
Local Yarn Shop Appreciation Day - Now moved to September 12, 2020
Here's a fun alternative to the Baa, Baa, Black Sheep Lyrics for knitters and crocheters. It's 20 seconds long so it's a good song to wash your hands to after you unload your grocery or food delivery! It's from a CD (from long ago when MySpace was still A Thing) called Wren Ross' Greatest Knits, which appears to still be available for purchase. If you click the "come hear Wren sing..." link on the webpage, you can hear her actually sing this version, in a delightful bluesy style, wherein the knitter begs the sheep for more and more wool in each verse.
Ba ba, Blacksheep, have you any wool?
Yes, ma'am, yes, ma'am, three bags full!
One for my sweater!
One for my shawl!
One for a blanket for the babe down the hall!
Ba ba, Blacksheep, have you any wool?
Yes, ma'am, yes, ma'am, three bags full!
All classes and private lessons are currently on hold, due to the San Antonio & Bexar County joint Stay Home/Work Safe order, which goes into effect at tonight.
We are working on ways to effectively do lessons and classes online, as well as how to help you fix those dropped stitches and other problems while maintaining safe social distancing and complying with the law.
To keep up with our efforts and real time announcements, please follow us on social media:
Facebook -
Instagram -
Twitter -
If you have a question for one of our teachers, you can email us at
You can also email Wendy with knitting or crochet questions at or contact her through her Facebook page -
We absolutely do not EVER want to spam you. If you don't want to get this newsletter, then we will take you off the list. No problem. No questions asked. There's an unsubscribe link below, or you can just call us.
If you want to read our full privacy policy (it's pretty fun to read, actually), click here - or scroll to the bottom of any page on our website.
Contact Us: 2357 NW Military, 78231 (210)979-8255