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Help for Winding at Home!

April 6, 2020

In this issue:  Winding Yarn at Home    Shop News   The Tip Jar   Class News and Contact info

Winding Yarn at Home 

No ball winder? No swift? No problem!

You have lots of time to knit, crochet, weave, and catch up on all your WIPs (works in progress) and new fun projects, too, but all your stash is in hanks that have to be wound before using! You used to bring them to Yarnivore to be wound and now you can't? It's okay! Winding yarn yourself isn't as hard as you think!

Here are the steps (photos below):
1. Take off the yarn label and untwist the skein. It will open into a big loop.

2. Find the tie(s)! There will be anything from 1 to 4 ties around the skein. They may be in matching yarn or contrasting. In the first photo, you see a skein with a self-tie (Cascade 220). Make sure the tie goes all the way around and that there isn't any yarn crossing it.

3. Find something to put the skein/loop over so that it stays open! Photo two shows some alternatives - the back of a chair, an overturned laundry basket, a friendly housemate, or Wendy's favorite - over your knees while you chill in the comfy chair (shown in all the following photos)

4. Find the ties and cut or untie them. One will have the yarn ends tied in (or if it's a self-tie, the tie will BE the yarn ends. Make sure the ends go completely around. If there's any yarn crossing them, uncross it BEFORE cutting the ends. Cut the ties and find the yarn ends. Picture three shows cutting/untying the tie and choosing a starting end.

5. Decide if you want to wind around your hand or an object. If you have your skein over something like a chair or a basket, and you are winding over an object, then you can put it down whenever you need a break. If you have it over a person (friend/spouse or your own body), or are winding over your hand, you pretty much have to do it all at once. Photo four shows some options - your hand, a kitchen utensil, a chubby candle, a cucumber - basically anything about an inch in diameter.

5. If you want a center-pull ball, make a slip knot and put it over your non-dominant thumb, or at the opposite end of your winding object. Keep the slip knot on your thumb until the ball is completely wound. Shown in photos four and five.

6. Begin winding loosely. Take one loop off the skein and wind it over your fingers until you have about 10 or 15 wraps. Take it off your hand, take another loop off the skein and wind around it at right angles, again winding over your fingers. Shown in photo five

7. Continue winding loosely, taking off only 1 or 2 wraps from the skiein, and changing angle every 10 to 15 wraps (approximately - you don't have to count), and winding each new set of wraps over your fingers. When it starts getting ball-shaped, you can stick it on your thumb to make it easier to hold. Shown in photo six.

8. Keep going until your ball is all wound! Tuck in the final end and you're ready to go!

Want to see it in real life? Click here to view a sped up version of Wendy winding an entire ball! It took her 20 minutes to wind 220 yards, all while balancing a phone/camera on her chest!

Click on photo to view it larger

Shop News

Online Ordering is Going Great!
Many thanks to all of you who have placed online orders! One of us is in the store M-W-F to ship your supplies so you should receive your package quickly. If you need your yarn wound before shipping, make sure to add a Yarn Winding Free With Purchase to your cart! We'll wind the yarn before putting it in the mail. :) You can find this item by searching "winding" on our site. Most of our products are visible in our online store, but we still have several to add; if you need something that isn't visible yet, email us and we'll publish it asap!

Face Masks
The CDC now recommends that everyone use a non-medical face mask while in public or if you are near someone who is ill.
You can make a mask from a scarf, kitchen towel or bandana and a couple of rubber bands. If you're crafty, you can sew them up fairly easily. Here are some pattern sources:
~Tiana's Closet (a sewing blog) has patterns for two styles of face masks. The first is a fitted mask that comes in kids, women, and men's sizes. (Note: we tried both the women's and men's sizes and found that the men's size is a better fit for many of us. Make sure you check the sizes before you sew!) The second mask is a super easy mask to sew.
~The NY Times published a pattern that looks straightforward (they've made all their COVID-19 news free)
~This no-sew mask uses a scarf/towel and a couple of hair ties or rubber bands.

If you're making your own masks, you'll quickly figure out that 1/8" elastic (for the ear loops) is virtually impossible to find. We used yarn (cause, yarn...) and it works well enough to keep the masks on our faces without being uncomfortable. If you cut off the stretchy hanger loops from tops and dresses, that works too. You can also use bias tape, shoe laces, or hair ties, go with what works for you.

If you're able to make extra, we're still collecting them for medical workers. Email the store to arrange a drop off time.

Want to help, but don't have the time or energy to sew masks? Or you're sewing all you can, but want to help more? We are accepting donations of 100% tight-woven cotton fabrics for mask making. Also thread and elastic. Email us or contact us through our Facebook page to arrange a drop-off.

Be well, be safe, be kind!
Caryn & the Yarnivore crew

The Tip Jar

Keeping your head and heart together when you're isolated at home is tough! Here's a tip we found on the web that has helped give some calm and structure to our lives as we save lives by staying home. I encourage you to read the article - it's not long and it explains the questions much more!

Six Daily Questions to Ask Yourself in Quarantine
1. What am I grateful for today?
2. Who am I checking in on, or connecting with, today?
3. What expectations of "normal" am I letting go of today?
4. How am I getting outside today?
5. How am I moving my body today?
6. What beauty am I creating, cultivating, or inviting in today?

All classes and private lessons are currently on hold, due to the San Antonio & Bexar County joint Stay Home/Work Safe order, which goes into effect at tonight.

We are working on ways to effectively do lessons and classes online, as well as how to help you fix those dropped stitches and other problems while maintaining safe social distancing and complying with the law.

To keep up with our efforts and real time announcements, please follow us on social media:
Facebook -
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Twitter -

If you have a question for one of our teachers, you can email us at
You can also email Wendy with knitting or crochet questions at or contact her through her Facebook page -


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If you want to read our full privacy policy (it's pretty fun to read, actually), click here - or scroll to the bottom of any page on our website.

Contact Us:  2357 NW Military, 78231  (210)979-8255