Creating Crafty Kiddos!

Keep the young'uns happy with kits!
I don't know about you, but I loved doing crafts as a kid! How can you encourage a love of Making in your children? Here are some ideas:
1. Be a crafter! Of course, if you're reading this newsletter, chances are high that you already knit, crochet, weave, sew, quilt, or do other crafts. Don't wait until the kids are in bed to work on your crafts. Instead, work on something that's not too involved while the kids watch. Model the behavior you want them to emulate.
2. Set aside family crafting time! Make time on a weekly or monthly basis to craft together as a family. Make tassels to hang on the doorknobs; color and bake shrink plastic for keychains and fridge magnets; create some DIY fidget toys. Here are some cool ideas from Parents Magazine!
3. Give them craft supplies! Set aside a space for craft supplies that they're allowed to do without help. Depending on your family's needs, this could be a whole closet, or just a bin of craft supplies. Include paper, kid-safe and age-appropriate scissors, crayons, water-soluble glue, wash-off markers, popsicle sticks, old magazines or mailers, and of course - yarn!
4. Kits! I learned embroidery, simple weaving, paper doll making, wood crafts, and even soldering and wiring from kits. They make it easy for kids (and adults!) to learn something new, with the confidence that they have all the materials and instructions they need.
5. Have fun! Play with colors and shapes and don't worry about perfection! Show them your pride in their creations by actually using them - wear the paper chain necklace on a Zoom call, hold napkins on the table with their clay paperweight - show them that the things they make are valuable to their family and they'll be makers forever!
Of course, Yarnivore is here to help. We've created a category on our online store just for kid-friendly craft supplies and kits. Kits like Harrisville Designs Peg Loom provide all the tools and supplies you need to try weaving. We also have Strung by Shawn string art kits and Harrisville Designs Latch Hooking kits. Already have plenty of yarn? Check out the Knitting Board knitting looms or Bluebonnet Crafter's Turtle Looms.
Above all, have fun with your kids!
Be well, be safe, be kind!
-Caryn & the Yarnivore crew
Shop News
Featured Yarn & Pattern
Are you teaching your kiddo to crochet? Good for you! Here's a simple FREE Kids' Crochet Headband pattern that will make a headband, but also a belt, curtain tie-back, etc! Yarn suggestion? Well, you can use stash, but why not gift the new crocheter with their own new yarn? Try Cherub Aran Multi, and don't forget to a hook for the new crocheter - a size I/9mm hook is just right!
Get Your Mistakes Fixed!

Need help but worried about coming in for a fix? Yarrrrn. :) That's okay, many of our staff are still self-isolating, too. Our web-shop is still open for you! We also have online private lessons (see below) AND starting this week, we are available to fix your mistakes remotely! If you just can't figure it out, you can drop off your project, along with the pattern, any notes, marked bad spots, etc, and Dawn or Wendy (hindered by the new "coworker" who showed up at her house recently-kitty!) will fix your mistakes and safely return your project to you. Problems that take less than 15 minutes of our time are, as always, FREE. Projects that take longer will be charged at $10 for 30 minutes or $18 for an hour. Note: both are non-smokers, but do have pets.
Featured Book
Are you into socks? Like really into socks? Or do you want to be? Then we've got a perfect book for you! in The Knitter's Book of Socks (Amazon affiliate link), Clara Parkes, the author of The Knitter's Book of Yarn takes another deep dive - into the world of sock knitting. Learn why this yarn works so well, and that one doesn't. Learn tricks to add elasticity and tricks to add strength and abrasion resistance. And enjoy patterns by greats like Cat Bordhi, Cookie A, Stephen Houghton, Norah Gaughan, and more! Our Wendy has this one on her shelf!
Online Private Lessons
Here's how to sign up for an online video lesson with Wendy! Don't have a webcam? That's okay! She can help over text or one-sided (you see her, but she can't see you) video/text. This page will tell you how to set it up. If you need more help, you can email Meredith (Wendy’s helper) at She'll help you get set up! Lessons are only $18 for an hour-long session!

The Tip Jar
Those doggone numbers on knitting needles and crochet hooks are so hard to read! To make them more legible, write the size on the side with a fine point Sharpie. If you want to make sure that it never rubs off again, let the marker dry completely, then go over it with a thin coat of clear nail polish!
All classes and in-person private lessons are currently on hold, due to the San Antonio & Bexar County joint Stay Home/Work Safe order.
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If you have a question for one of our teachers, you can email us at
You can also email Wendy with knitting or crochet questions at or contact her through her Facebook page -
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Contact Us: 2357 NW Military, 78231 (210)979-8255