Hi Performance Fiber!

But Wool is Hot & Itchy, Right?
Wool, allergies, and seasons
Okay, did we lose you there? It's really true! Wool is a superior material for all seasons. Why? You've heard of wicking, in which a fabric grabs moisture from one area (like feet or underarms) and moves it through to release it somewhere with less humidity? They've invented all types of hi-tech fabrics for that reason. Well, wool does it naturally. It absorbs up to 30% of its own weight in moisture, and releases it away from the sweaty body. It also insulates, keeping body heat IN when it's cold outside, but keeping environmental heat OUT in high temps. It also helps keep odor under control. Read more about the miraculous properties of wool here.
When tested against cotton, wool of the same weight was able to keep the wearer cooler and more comfortable longer!
The key is to wear lighter weight wools in warm weather. A thick sweater will be hot in the summer even if it's made of cotton or rayon.
Now what about that allergy? For most people, the only wools they have ever experienced are coarse wools used for outerwear and some men's suiting. But there are wools that are as fine as cotton, and that even feel quite cottony. Coarser wools have ends that poke the skin on a microscopic level, making you feel itchy. They can even cause redness. This is rarely an actual allergy, however. Try giving some really fine wools a touch test. Rub some Merino or BFL wool in your neck or wrists.
Wool allergies are rare, but serious. The most common symptom is a rash but there can also be respiratory symptoms. People with a wool allergy usually cannot use creams that contain lanolin. This article has more on wool allergy vs. sensitivity - and also why you should keep your wool away from your cats...
Happy Warm Weather crafting, whether you want to give lightweight wools a go or not!
Be safe, be well, be kind!
-Caryn & the Yarnivore crew
Shop News
Featured Pattern & Yarn
Socks are great carry-around patterns. They're mostly simple tubes with brief bits of excitement at the heel and toe. This basic FREE sock pattern from Plymouth yarns is a good basic pattern and quite similar to Our Wendy's beginner top-down socks. They look great in Happy Feet Splash yarn for a happy springtime project to keep toes warm when the floor is the only cold part of the house!
Featured Notion
If you plan to gift your socks or just want to take nice sock photos for the 'gram, you're going to need to block them. These cute sock blockers from Big Blue Moma are made of birch and feature cute sheep cutouts. They'll block your socks beautifully and look great hanging on your craft room wall in-between sock projects!
11-5 Monday-Thursday, Saturday
Noon-5 Sunday
We'll be CLOSED on Easter Sunday, April 4!
Private Lessons
In-store and online private lessons are available! Please call us at 210-979-8255 to schedule a lesson! Wendy, Dawn, and Nancy M. are all available to help you with your projects! Private Lessons can be scheduled outside of regular hours at the discretion of the teacher.
The Tip Jar
Need to choose colors for a project? Look through your old greeting cards! Because of their small size, they can't be TOO ornate, or have too many colors, so it's easier to let them guide you to a color scheme you're going to like.
All regular classes are currently on hold until we can safely seat up to 6 students in the classroom. We'll let y'all know when we can offer them again. Until then, we're offering most of our class material in private lessons.
To keep up with our efforts and real time announcements, please follow us on social media:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/yarnivoresa/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/yarnivoresa/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/YarnivoreSA
If you have a question for one of our teachers, you can email us at yarnivoresa@gmail.com.
You can also email Wendy with knitting or crochet questions at wendy.yarnivore@gmail.com or contact her through her Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/Wendy.at.Yarnivore/
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Contact Us: https://www.yarnivoresa.net/ yarnivoresa@gmail.com 2357 NW Military, 78231 (210)979-8255