Happy MLK Day & Quiz Results part 2

More Quiz Results!
We know your favorite colors
Here's what we learned about your favorite projects and colors, and how hard you like your projects to be:
What do you like to make?
Accessories (43.7%) are the most popular projects. Socks (27.2%) surprised us a bit by taking the #2 spot! Third place is tied between Blankets and Hats (24.5% each). Honorable mention goes to Sweaters (21.2%), One Skein Projects (17.2%), Baby Things (9.3%), and Home Goods (8.6%)!
Accessories may have cheated a little by being a category that technically includes hats and socks, but it's also the shawl category, so we're gonna call it a fair win.
Other projects mentioned include shawls (we absolutely should have included them and we're sorta smacking ourselves that we didn't!), amigurumi/toys, weaving projects - including inkle bands, scarves, and rug tufting. The biggest entry in "other" was some version of "I like to make a variety of things" from people who are looking for a challenge to those who make what their friends and loved ones want, to those led by inspiration. The quote that caught our eye was, "Whatever catches my eye when I pattern-surf." and we completely identify with that!
Difficulty - Do You Like a Challenge
The majority of you like to vary the difficulty of your projects - 48% of you chose this option. This is really unsurprising. Most of us also like to switch up the brainless projects with the ones that require more focus!
We were surprised that both the "Keep It Interesting" (23.7%) and "I Like a Challenge" (21.1%) beat out "Keep It Simple" (only 5.3%)! Those who like to do things to wow their crafter friends are only 2% of you, and we have no one who answered that they like the super hard stuff. Well, our Wendy does, but she didn't answer the quiz.
Favorite Colors
Jeweltones are FAR AND AWAY the winners of the favorite colors - HALF of y'all prefer them!
Rainbow Explosion came in second with 30.9%, edging out neutrals at 28.3%. Muted colors (21.7%) and pastels (9.9%) are also beloved, with black getting a strong 3.3%.
Answers in the Other category include several people who love watery colors (blue/green/purple), some love for fall colors, and lots of people who love all colors!
Next week, we'll come back with the last part of our report!
Be safe, be well, be kind!
-Caryn & the Yarnivore crew
Happy MLK Day
"We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools"
We hope that you have a meaningful holiday today. If you wish to do some good today to honor Dr. King's legacy, we suggest you consider donating to the Black & Missing Foundation, Inc. Each year over 240,000 people of color go missing, and their stories often get far less media coverage, which means that they are also less like to be found. Your donation to BAMFI could help bring a victim home to their family.
Hours - We’re open 7 days a week!
11-5 Monday-Saturday
Noon-5 Sunday
Private Lessons
In-store and online private lessons are available! Please call 210-979-8255 to schedule a lesson! Wendy, Dawn, Moses, and Nancy M. are all available to help you with your projects! Private Lessons can be scheduled outside of regular hours at the discretion of the teacher.
The Tip Jar
Joining yarn in your knitting? Try the twist join: Work up to the stitch where you're going to join new yarn, then drop the old strand (making sure to leave a tail at least 6" long) and knit the next stitch with the new strand (again leaving a 6" tail). Tie the ends in a BOW behind the needle like you would if you were tying your shoes.
Later, when you're ready to weave the ends in, undo the BOW, but leave the first "twist" where the two yarns are twisted around each other. Weave each end away from the join, each going in a different direction. Weave for approximately 2 inches each for a good secure but knotless join!
All regular classes are currently on hold until we can safely seat up to 6 students in the classroom. We'll let y'all know when we can offer them again. Until then, we're offering most of our class material in private lessons.
To keep up with our efforts and real time announcements, please follow us on social media:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/yarnivoresa/
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If you have a question for one of our teachers, you can email us at yarnivoresa@gmail.com.
You can also email Wendy with knitting or crochet questions at wendy.yarnivore@gmail.com or contact her through her Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/Wendy.at.Yarnivore/
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Contact Us: https://www.yarnivoresa.net/ yarnivoresa@gmail.com 2357 NW Military, 78231 (210)979-8255