One Simple Rule!
One Simple Rule for Pairing Yarn & Pattern
Works for any yarn/pattern - knit, crochet, weave, and more!
Wendy's Yarn Pairing Rule
If you want to use a Fancy Yarn, you MUST choose a Simple Pattern
If you want to do a Fancy pattern, you MUST use a Simple Yarn
Simple patterns can use any yarn
Simple yarn can work any pattern
Okay, so let's break that down. First, some definitions:
A Simple Yarn is a yarn that is fairly smooth, with no fuzzies or loopies, it's the same size throughout, and it's either a solid color or it looks solid from a little ways away. It can have some color change, but they have to be LONG color changes.
A Fancy Yarn is one that has a lot of texture (fuzzy halo, loopy, thick'n'thin), is a fancy construction (ladder yarn or ruffle yarn) and/or a lot of color. It could also have additions like beads or flowers already attached to the yarn.
A Simple Pattern is one that's fairly plain: stockinette or garter knit, single or double crochet, plain weaves like tabby or simple twill. No cables, no lace, no real texture. It can have shaping, but not a lot of surface interest. These are often marked as Beginner or Easy patterns.
A Fancy Pattern is one with cables, lace, or other fancy textures. These are usually marked as Intermediate or Advanced patterns.
If you make a Fancy Pattern with Fancy yarn, all your hard work with creating cables or lace will be barely visible, because the color and texture of the YARN will steal all the attention. Not only that, but the yarn itself will often make it harder for you do see what you're doing, leading to a big uptick in mistakes.
If you make a Fancy Pattern with Simple Yarn, your hard work will show up! Your cables will pop, your lace will open up nicely, your textures will draw the eye!
If you make a Simple Pattern with Fancy Yarn, the yarn will SING! It will make all the statements and it will be easier on you, because you won't have to keep track of fancy stitches you can't see.
If you make a Simple Pattern with Simple Yarn? That's okay! That's what a lot of basics do. These won't be super eye-catching, but they're sometimes just what you want.
Happy Creating!!
-Caryn & the Yarnivore crew
Featured Yarn & Pattern
We have a new-to-us cotton yarn!! Just in time for it to start getting hot! Coastal Cotton by Queensland yarns is a great worsted weight basic cotton yarn. We have just gotten it in - in EVERY color! This is a great yarn for cotton dishcloths, baby blankets, and other cotton basics. Or you can make yourself a bit of shade with the cute Maya Bucket Hat. Granny Squares in multiple colors are fun and work up quickly. Try it in Fiesta colors and wear it to NIOSA! The Maya Bucket Hat is FREE in store with yarn purchase!
Hours - We’re open 7 days a week!
11-5 Monday-Saturday
Noon-5 Sunday
Private Lessons
In-store and online private lessons are available! Please call 210-979-8255 to schedule a lesson! Wendy, Dawn, Moses, and Nancy are all available to help you with your projects! Private Lessons can be scheduled outside of regular hours at the discretion of the teacher.
The Tip Jar
Crocheters, if you're doing a project with lots of tails and it's not super open and lacy, you can easily weave in ends as you go! Just crochet over the tail as you go. What does that mean? Hold the tail on top of the work, so that your hook goes into the stitch below the tail. This will automatically tuck the tail in. Here's what it looks like: Crochet Over Tails.
All regular classes are currently on hold until we can safely seat up to 6 students in the classroom. We'll let y'all know when we can offer them again. Until then, we're offering most of our class material in private lessons.
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Contact Us: 2357 NW Military, 78231 (210)979-8255