Lay your hands on this fine tool!

Laying Tools - Not Just For Needlepoint
The one trick that makes all your stitches look better!
If you've been doing needlepoint or embroidery for a while, you may have heard of a laying tool. This is a simple pointed tool, like a needle with no eye, that's used to help your stitches lay nicer. Some are narrow, like little stilettos, some are more cone-shaped. They usually have a bit of handle. Basically it's a smooth pointed stick.
What do you use a laying tool for? It's used to smooth stitches, to help hold tension on threads, to prevent and unpick knots, etc. Here's a good article on Needle & Thread on laying tools.
What many people don't realize is that laying tools can do many of those same jobs in other crafts! You can use them to help lay any kind of thread or yarn in place.
You can also use the more cone-shaped ones as awls to help open up holes for eyelets or to enlarge a buttonhole. Sharper-pointed ones can create holes in store-bought fabric so that you can crochet an edging for a quick baby blanket.
Oh, and if you need a laying tool, but don't have one handy, you can use a small size double-pointed knitting needle in a pinch.
Wishing you smooth-laying yarns and threads!
-Caryn & the Yarnivore crew
Upcoming Classes!
Upcoming classes are listed below. Click the class name to learn more and to register. Space is limited and sign-ups close a week before class begins, so sign up now!
Beginning Crochet - 1 seat available
For complete crochet newbies (or those who need a refresher)
Two session - Saturday, Sept. 3 & 17 at 1 pm
$35 (use your own supplies or buy them at Yarnivore for 10% off)
Fixing Mistakes - 1 seat available
For knitters at any level who want to learn to fix mistakes instead of just ripping out.
Two sessions - Thursday, Sept. 8 & 15 at 5:30 pm
$40 (includes all materials, plus a FREE Handi-tool!)
My First Socks - Class is Full
Learn to knit basic socks from the cuff to the toe!
Three sessions - Sunday, Sept. 11, Sept. 25, & Oct. 9 at 2 pm
$50 (use your own supplies or buy them at Yarnivore for 10% off)
Beginning Knitting - 1 seat available
It all starts here! You'll be knitting with confidence in no time!
Three sessions - Monday, Sept. 12, 19, & 26 at 1 pm
$50 (use your own supplies or buy them at Yarnivore for 10% off)
Knitting Workshop with Wendy - 3 seats available
Bring your projects and problems and we'll find solutions!
One session - Thursday, Sept. 22 at 5:30 pm
$20 (use your own supplies or buy them at Yarnivore for 10% off)
Intro to Lace Knitting - 3 seats available
Learn to make holes in your knitting on purpose!
Two sessions - Thursday, Sept. 29 and Oct. 6
$35(use your own supplies or buy them at Yarnivore for 10% off)
Featured Yarn & Pattern
Do you like cold treats? Do you agree that ice cream that comes in pints should be eaten straight from the container? Us too! But what we don't like is the frozen hand! The solution? The Ice Cream Cozy Crochet Pattern by Sigoni Schaap! Available in both a Beginner-Friendly Version with basic crochet stitches or in a more-insulating Post-Stitch Version, this pattern works beautifully with a natural fiber worsted weight cotton like Queensland Coastal Cotton for easy washability.
Beginner-Friendly Ice Cream Cozy Crochet Pattern - Free with ads on or $2.99 in-store, on Etsy, or on Ravelry for an ad-free large print version
Ribbed Front and Back Post Ice Cream Cozy Crochet Pattern - Free with ads on
Schedule Change
Euphoria Knits Trunk Show has moved to September 10!
Hours this week
11-5 Monday-Saturday
12-5 Sunday
Private Lessons
In-store and online private lessons are available! Please call 210-979-8255 to schedule a lesson! Wendy, Dawn, Moses, and Nancy are all available to help you with your projects! Private Lessons can also be scheduled outside of regular hours at the discretion of the teacher.
The Tip JarMaking coasters or ice cream cozies or other things designed to keep cold and moisture away from your hands and furniture? Consider using wool instead of cotton.
Yes, wool requires a bit more care when washing, but it makes up for it by being far more insulating! It also absorbs more water than cotton! So, if you aren't super messy, it may be a better choice for sweaty drinks!
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If you have a question for one of our teachers, you can email us at
You can also email Wendy with knitting or crochet questions at or contact her through her Facebook page -
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Contact Us: 2357 NW Military, 78231 (210)979-8255